Saturday, November 17, 2007

Future Change Agent? Final Blog

This class has enlightened me to how technology can really enhance learning. This was a class that modeled how technology can be incorporated and used as a different modality to teaching. I am a special education teacher and using technology not only eliminates some of the grapho-motor problems my students have but it also sparks a different interest they have. In designing the UbD project for this class, my students were more motivated than ever before. With two minutes left in one class, I stopped them from working in their groups and asked them what makes this project more motivating than others. It was a lesson I learned, they were in their “flow” because I left them alone to make decisions. They were creative, independent and I “wasn’t telling them what to do.” I used this assignment before, but I did make changes and the changes made this project even more successful. We’re still in the middle of the writing portion of the assignment, they seem to still be more motivated and when it comes to writing – that’s an accomplishment.

As a future administrator, I learned that not everything needs to be changed. This class helped me take a step back and question how I currently teach and how schools can improve. It appears that every few years schools impose a new trend. As a new administrator, I will assess whether the new programs are beneficial; I will question whether the teachers have the skills and knowledge to implement the new program. Teachers, students and the community are valuable resources.

The final project is a real project to me, not just a final class project. I am scheduled to present my proposal to our administrators and hopefully, they will consider implementing the new course. I’ve had this idea for years, but that is all it was, an idea. This class has finally provided me with the motivation needed to make it a formal presentation so perhaps curriculum changes can really occur. I’m excited to hopefully see this course implemented in our middle school within a year.

As this class comes to a close, I find that the class sessions themselves sped by as did the semester. I’m looking forward to taking the information that was shared by others and the professor onto the next phase of my career. I am glad I was able to expand my technological skills and share ideas with others who are interested in moving their careers to the next level. I’ve attached a link to an organization that is worth surfing. It’s from the Institute for Education Leadership. Their mission is to build the capacity of individuals and organizations in education and related fields to work together - across policies, programs and sectors. The web site offers a lot of information for all levels of education. It ranges from pre-school handicapped through the secondary level. They even provide links to the National Education Association. There links are extensive and all seem relevant to the educational leadership field. The web site offers books, research and programs that can be purchased through this web site. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Better Late than Never - Curriclum Mapping

Curriculum mapping is an attempt to organize what is being taught throughout a child’s education. If curriculum mapping is used, some benefits would be consistency across grade levels and within school in a district. The quality of instruction may benefit as well as transitions from one grade to the next.

In my school district, to be honest, I don’t know if it uses curriculum mapping. I’m going to make a guess and say no. I have written curriculum for new courses and updated curriculum for an old course. There wasn’t a curriculum map given to me to follow. Based on experience, I created the curriculum for a particular course using the team of teachers that were assigned to develop the curriculum for that course.

In the reading, District 5 was committed to a three year time period to implement curriculum mapping. It sounded like there was a lot of planning, organizing and buy-in from teachers to implement this change in curriculum. It sounds like my current school district is similar to the way District 5 was before the demographic changes. We send almost 100 percent of our students to some type of post-secondary education (mainly college), a very small percentage of our students fail the state assessments; perhaps, because of these similarties we probably don’t use curriculum mapping. If our demographics change as they did in District 5, perhaps changes would need to be made.

I did find this interesting, “Teams of teachers were challenged to think through the mind of a child rather than with the child in mind.” By putting ourselves in the child’s shoes, perhaps our tool belt will build the next Taj Mahal.

Orange Middle School

Too bad Orange Middle School took six years to make changes in their school’s structure to make an impact on their struggling state testing results. They have made changes that appear, in theory, to make a difference to students performing better. Some areas that seem to at least allow students to feel connected to teachers/peers and administration is the use of “small learning communities”. This concept appears to be very similar to the team concept often utilized in many middle schools. The sense of community developed among teams allows students to feel part of a large extended family. The goal of the small learning community is to build “intimacy and structure that isn’t always present in impoverished homes.” A science teacher on one of the teams states, “This is a way of building relationships, without that first, nothing else will work.” I agree with this teacher. If a middle school student feels welcomed, safe and accepted they then can concentrate on academics.

Another concept that Orange Middle School implemented in their restructuring is the use of twice-weekly meetings of teachers in the small learning community. These meetings allow teachers to coordinate projects and discuss students. These meetings teachers can discuss students that perhaps are more vulnerable and may not be identified as quickly if time wasn’t set aside for teachers to discuss.

Another concept that may help Orange Middle School perform better in state testing is providing students with time during school or lunch periods as a tutor session. If a student has a study hall or during their scheduled lunch period they can attend a teacher’s tutor session. During these tutoring sessions students can come to assigned teachers to help with problems they may be having with their school work. In some schools, these tutoring sessions count as part of the teachers duties. They need to post the times and places they will meet students. When scheduling teachers, one teacher from each discipline would be assigned for each period a study hall is scheduled. Students can access an expert in the discipline.

Another aspect that always seems to improve student performance is the involvement of parents. In this community, I’m not sure if it would be effective, but it is worth a try. Having parents involved in the school community, even a few families, may impact the learning of some students.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Online Learning Experience

I definitely learned different things when in the online environment. I miss the personal interactions and the dynamic of being in class; however, I actually prefer being in an online setting. It is also because I live so far from MSU. I enjoyed have the entire week to get the requirements completed. There were some lessons when I wanted to get everything done quickly, and this past lesson, I spread out over the two weeks. What I don't necessarily enjoy is responding to other students posts. There were those times when I wanted to complete all the rquirements and had to search for a post to respond to.

When I registered for the class, I didn't realize that it was a hybrid class. I was pleasantly surprised and was glad it was. I did feel that being in class was easier than the online classes. There are times when attending class you don't necessarily need to participate (although I think I do), but with an online class you can't hide. This type of environment may work well with students who aren't as active in the classroom. I would repeat this process. I'm currently registered for a class this semester that is totally online. That class, Education Law, requires a lot of interacting using blackboard. I still feel the online classes require more work, both the Ed Law class and this class. I still would choose to take it again, probably hybrid classes are the best of both worlds.

I thought I was somewhat technically proficient, but I soon found out that I am not. I still can't post my powerpoint slides, or attach word documents to this post. As a professor, perhaps you could run sessions for those of us who aren't as proficient in the use of technology. For example, we could meet during the scheduled class time with the material created (power point, videos, etc.) and you could show us quickly how to incorporate them into our blogs. The gap in skills between students may narrow a bit. I definitely feel that this was an interesting experience, but the online sessions were more demanding than the in person classes. But that could be that I'm better in person. Still I would register all over again if I had the opportunity.

UbD - Self Reflection

I just had my first experience creating a lesson using UbD. I'm not sure I like it. It slowed me down. The lesson I tried to use utilizing UbD was a lesson that was created last year. I made some modifications based on how the lesson went last year. Tomorrow will be the second day of this lesson. It is a week long lesson. Some difficulties I encountered were knowing exactly what the template was asking for. I'm still not sure I was clear. I didn't mind the format when I typed it in word, but it was a bit confusing to read when it was posted out of the table that was created. If I used this again, I would submit my lesson plans to my supervisor (like I am with this lesson to Prof. B) using e-mail attachments. There's got to be a better way....Additional quesions may arise after I review some of my peers. I'll probably see some really good ideas and then have a lot more questions than I do now.

UbD Attempt - Superhero Project

I can't figure out how to post from word, so here's an attempt to paste it from a table. I hope this works. (It got rid of the table, but I think the information is there - does anyone know how to attach a word document. I have a lot more to post, but let's see what happens when I paste it.

I post the self-reflection piece on a separate post. Below is my attempt at designing the lesson and some handouts that students may choose to use when engaging in this lesson.

Superhero Project – Strategies for Curriculum Development

Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals:
Create a dynamic Superhero utilizing the five elements of characterization

Five elements of characterization
One character created with group
Essential Questions:
· What are the qualities of the superhero?
· How will the five elements of characterization be included in your character?
· How will you work with your group to incorporate everyone’s ideas into one character?
Students will be able to:
Work together to create a superhero.
Creatively use elements to create character
Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks:
Show evidence of planning
Show evidence of using characterization elements
Show evidence of planning presentation
Other Evidence:
Brainstorm worksheet completed
Characterization Worksheet completed

Create plan for teacher review for presentation of superhero
Time on Task
Stage 3 – Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Demonstrate authors’ craft of elements of characterization while reading short stories
Present with Criteria sheets
Allow group time in class
Create Rubric
Create Brainstorm
Create Criteria Sheet

Below is the Guidelines, Rubric, Brainstorm sheet, Characterization Sheet - if it gets jumbled - sorry about that....

Superhero Project Part I
Developing Your Superhero

Objective: Each group will create a superhero who appeals to middle school students. The superhero must be developed using all five elements of characterization.

Five Elements of Characterization:

1. Physical Appearance—physical traits, costume, clothes, color
2. Speech—sound of voice, pattern of speaking, word choices, sayings
or mottoes
3. Thoughts—belief system, values, morals, motivation, fears, goals
4. Actions—super powers, weaknesses, heroic deeds, negative deeds
(if any)
5. What Others Think—family, friends, co-workers, enemies, the public

Requirements: Each group will reveal its superhero via a class
· Divide responsibility for developing the five elements of characterization among the members of your group. Each member should be responsible for one or two of the elements.
· Each member will make a class presentation (two-three minutes) on his/her element(s). The total presentation time for any group should not exceed ten minutes
· Each individual presentation must include a visual aid (poster, PowerPoint, computer animation, web page, costume, etc.) or a performance (speech, song, skit, etc.).
· Grade—100 points/Due Date—Monday, 10/29

The presentation rubric is on the other side of this handout. Please review it carefully before you begin to develop your superhero presentation.

(50 points)

Shows a mastery of your element of characterization and how it is used in conjunction with the others.

50 pts.

Shows a good understanding of your element of characterization and how it is used in conjunction with the others.

43 pts.

Shows some understanding of your element of characterization and how it is used in conjunction with the others.

37 pts.

Shows little or no understanding of your element of characterization and how it is used in conjunction with the others.

30 pts.

Oral Presentation (25 points)

Follows all public speaking rules: face the audience, make eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, don’t read your notes, stand straight and still.

25 pts.

Follows most public speaking rules: face the audience, make eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, don’t read your notes, stand straight and still.

21 pts.

Follows some public speaking rules: face the audience, make eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, don’t read your notes, stand straight and still.

19 pts.

Follows few, if any, public speaking rules: face the audience, make eye contact, speak slowly and clearly, don’t read your notes, stand straight and still.

15 pts.

Visual Content
(25 points if applicable)

Visual component masterfully represents the content of your presentation. It is eye-catching and easily viewed, and reflects a masterful level of care, effort, and organization.

25 pts.

Visual component represents the content of your presentation well. It is eye-catching and easily viewed, and reflects a good level of care, effort, and organization.

21 pts.

Visual component adequately represents the content of your presentation. It is somewhat eye-catching and easily viewed, and reflects an adequate level of care, effort, and organization.

19 pts.

Visual component poorly represents the content of your presentation. It is not eye-catching or easily viewed, and reflects a poor level of care, effort, and organization.

15 pts.

Performance Content
(25 points if applicable)

Performance component masterfully represents the content of your presentation. It is engaging and easily followed, and reflects a masterful level of care, effort, and organization.

25 pts.

Performance component represents the content of your presentation well. It is engaging and easily followed, and reflects a good level of care, effort, and organization.

21 pts.

Performance component adequately represents the content of your presentation. It is somewhat engaging and easily followed, and reflects an adequate level of care, effort, and organization.

19 pts.

Performance component poorly represents the content of your presentation. It is not engaging or easily followed, and reflects a poor level of care, effort, and organization.

15 pts.
Superhero Presentation Rubric (100 points)

Name ______________________________________________ Period __________

Superhero Project Brainstorming Worksheet

The following is a list of attributes you should consider when creating your superhero. These are only suggestions. You do not have to include all of these attributes, and you are encouraged to add your own ideas.

Real name:

Superhero name:

Reason for superhero name:

Heritage (alien, human, or other):


Size and physical build:

Hair color and style:

Eye color and shape:

Mouth and teeth:

Special odor:

Vocal characteristics:

Skin and complexion:

Scars or tattoos:

Grooming habits:

Movement and posture:
Gestures and mannerisms:

Poisonous or dangerous substances:

Family background:

Economic and social status:

Regular job:

Interests and hobbies:

Level of intelligence:

Special sensitivities:

Everyday clothing:

Superhero clothing:

Superhero vehicle:

Superhero accessories:

Super powers:


Fatal flaws:

How superhero reacts to others:

How others react to superhero:

Name __________________________________________ Period ____________

Superhero Characterization Sheet

After your group has brainstormed and discussed your superhero, you must reach an agreement about the five elements of characterization. Please be sure that each group member completes this characterization sheet thoroughly and accurately.

Superhero’s Name ____________________________________________________

Physical appearance—physical traits, costume, clothes, color choices, etc.

Speech—sound of voice, pattern of speaking, word choices, sayings or mottoes, etc.

Thoughts—belief system, values, morals, motivation, fears, goals, etc.

Actions—super powers, weaknesses, heroic deeds, negative deeds (if any), etc.

What other characters think—family, friends, co-workers, enemies, the public, etc.

Prof. B - I will send all of the above in a separate e-mail, I know this isn't very easy to follow...maybe one day I'll learn how to post from word....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Not a Motivator...Results Now

I just finished reading the first four chapters of Results Now by Mike Schmoker. It wasn't a motivator at all. My first impressions reading this is "how negative." I know this blog post is to look at our own school, practice and see if I can relate to what he does. There are some things I can relate to....but as a classmate (Ellen) pointed out in class, we are a profession that is quick to throw education under the other professions criticize as frequently and openly as current and previous educators do?

In our district, we do have curriculum. I feel that the majority of us do follow the curriculum. Our school district does quite well in state testing. I'm not sure I agree with Schmoker, that we should avail ourselves to the "Overlooked Opportunity" of state materials that would help teachers align their curriculum with state assessments. So what, we teach to the test, what happens with the creative side that Pink thinks we should provide more opportunities for in education. I would like to see Schmoker and Pink (maybe Friedman) in a room together to discuss education as a whole. I wonder if they belong to similar think tank types of research that it sounds like Schmoker makes a living at.

I do feel that administrators accept the mediocrity in some. Schmoker points out that not many administrators will honestly provide feedback to teachers to improve instruction. One change that could be made for administrators to follow is to provide relevant, pertinent, helpful observations to teachers. The mentality of administrators and teachers need to change. Professionals need to work together to improve instruction. Even the best teacher ever, can improve.

I do feel teachers are in isolation. That is one of my biggest problems with content area teachers. I am a special education teacher; therefore, I have the opportunity to work with many different teachers. I became a better teacher because of my work with other teachrs. I feel that every teacher should be required to observe at least three teachers every year. I have picked up many skills by working with very capable and not so capable teachers. I became better in my resource classes because of them. Administration can impact teaching by allowing time for other teachers to work together, share lessons, observe each other and talk during the school day.

In one of Schmoker's studies, he found that "They do not prepare lessons and assessments togher, and they do not test and refine their lessons regularly on the basis of assessment results." In our school, there are departments that proves to be effective. The tests and quizzes are the same, how the students are taught is left to the teachers professional judgements. I just found him to be very negative....maybe, I'll give it another day or two and see if I can see more valid points.

Is the rest of his book, more complaints on education? If so, I'll wait until they are posted on Blackboard before I buy the book......ugh!