Saturday, November 17, 2007

Future Change Agent? Final Blog

This class has enlightened me to how technology can really enhance learning. This was a class that modeled how technology can be incorporated and used as a different modality to teaching. I am a special education teacher and using technology not only eliminates some of the grapho-motor problems my students have but it also sparks a different interest they have. In designing the UbD project for this class, my students were more motivated than ever before. With two minutes left in one class, I stopped them from working in their groups and asked them what makes this project more motivating than others. It was a lesson I learned, they were in their “flow” because I left them alone to make decisions. They were creative, independent and I “wasn’t telling them what to do.” I used this assignment before, but I did make changes and the changes made this project even more successful. We’re still in the middle of the writing portion of the assignment, they seem to still be more motivated and when it comes to writing – that’s an accomplishment.

As a future administrator, I learned that not everything needs to be changed. This class helped me take a step back and question how I currently teach and how schools can improve. It appears that every few years schools impose a new trend. As a new administrator, I will assess whether the new programs are beneficial; I will question whether the teachers have the skills and knowledge to implement the new program. Teachers, students and the community are valuable resources.

The final project is a real project to me, not just a final class project. I am scheduled to present my proposal to our administrators and hopefully, they will consider implementing the new course. I’ve had this idea for years, but that is all it was, an idea. This class has finally provided me with the motivation needed to make it a formal presentation so perhaps curriculum changes can really occur. I’m excited to hopefully see this course implemented in our middle school within a year.

As this class comes to a close, I find that the class sessions themselves sped by as did the semester. I’m looking forward to taking the information that was shared by others and the professor onto the next phase of my career. I am glad I was able to expand my technological skills and share ideas with others who are interested in moving their careers to the next level. I’ve attached a link to an organization that is worth surfing. It’s from the Institute for Education Leadership. Their mission is to build the capacity of individuals and organizations in education and related fields to work together - across policies, programs and sectors. The web site offers a lot of information for all levels of education. It ranges from pre-school handicapped through the secondary level. They even provide links to the National Education Association. There links are extensive and all seem relevant to the educational leadership field. The web site offers books, research and programs that can be purchased through this web site. Enjoy!


Ellen Johnson said...

Hi, Mary. I think your point about new trends popping up every few years is very true in the education world. It takes a lot of committment and courage to become the type of administrator that really considers all the options and is then able to create achievable plans that enable schools to change in areas that are needed.

Your final project sounds really interesting and worthwhile. That's great that you are actually going to present it to your admin with the possibilty of implementing it in the future. Wow!

Nataly said...

Ya know I never realized that this class was also serving as a model of technology in education not just a discussion about it - great point!
I am also very much looking forward to the presentations and seeing what creative things everyone came up with!

materiaj1 said...

Yes, I totally agree that not everything nees to be changed. That's what was so special about this course. Usually, courses make you feel as if everything that we are doing is wrong.
I like how some things that we read spurred us into feeling angry and retort by saying that we are more effective than we receive credit for. But sometimes feeling those sentiments makes us reflect on our pedagogy...that's what is really good about this and other grad courses with regard to teaching.

materiaj1 said...

With regard to considering all the options, I learned something else in this course, which I just realized last class. We should not always jump on the band wagon of new ideas. That is just like change for the sake of change.
Remember ADP, it looks like a good idea but is it a change for the better or just a change? That was another salient issue we covered this semester

Kristin E. Robinson said...

It seems that time goes by so fast. So many of us have so much to do, but not enough time to do it. I think that it is great that you are finally able to turn your ideas into reality. I wish you luck with your presentation.

Motivating students to write can be a challenging task to accomplish and when you do it you feel great. Getting students to experience flow is a wonderful thing.

mrsasso said...

The understanding by design(ubd) assignment was beneficial to me as well, my students appeared to really enjoy the lesson.This class exposed us to some great ideas for implementing technology into our lessons. I am glad that the class was beneficial to you, and good luck with your curriculum project.

Prof. Bachenheimer said...


I'm glad that it wasn;t just a class project for you. I look forward to your presentation.

Lindsey said...

I too feel that the final project is not just a project. As of right now I do not plan on presenting my project to the board, but I am going to set up a meeting with the Curriculum Coordinator in my district to hopefully write a new p.e. curriculum.

It is great that your students were so into your UbD lesson. The fact that your students were so motivated to do their work is awesome. Hopefully that feeling will follow your students to other classes and other adventures in their life!

Good luck with presenting your project to the board!!

CARL said...

Good luck with your proposal. I hope the class(mates)were of use to you.

Traci GT said...

Your so right....this class did make me sit back and look at my school in a different light. Not all things need changing but it was nice to have a new perspective on issues and trends. Good Luck on your real presentation!